Performance & Wellness Care

How can a sports chiropractor help you with your performance?

Learn how here.

SFMA is typically for patients in pain. Once removed from pain, patients move into the FMS route for more correctives and continued wellness care.

SFMA is typically for patients in pain. Once removed from pain, patients move into the FMS route for more correctives and continued wellness care.

Initial exam/first visit

After dropping off your new patient information we will look into every comment you make to help guide our exam. Then after taking a full history, we will begin the exam. The exam is different for members not dealing with pain. The FMS (Functional Movement Screen) gives us an idea for performance asymmetries and areas of weakness. 

After the initial exam you will get a review of the doctors findings, a treatment plan, goals, and expected costs. 

Example of what the members page with correctives and exercises will look like.

Example of what the members page with correctives and exercises will look like.

Correctives and Exercises

After looking over your FMS results we will go over areas of dysfunction that need therapy. For many of our patients, we teach them how to start implementing self correctives and exercises.

As the tissue integrity improves, so shall your ability to move, should you follow our progressions.

From there, you can move on to sport specific skills like our TPI (Titleist Performance Institute) Golf Specific screen.


When coming in for a visit please consider the clothes you are wearing. We often do movement analysis in the exam and would ask that you have on something that allows you to move well and without embarrassment (skirts, jeans, and certain tops are advised against).