Chiropractic treatments that include the lengthening of muscles, the adjustments to joints, and the improvement of core stability, will enhance biomechanical integrity and drive neurological function to the extent that athletic potentials can be met, and capabilities may even be enhanced. This hypothesis applies to both beginning and recreational level players, as well as to advanced
Read MoreThere’s health in balance and strength in recovery. Without adequate recovery, all that carnage in the weight room or field of competition leads to is pain or injury. Over time, your workouts plateau, the muscle soreness lasts longer, a loss of energy surrounds you--yet you can’t sleep, your motivation and focus has taken a big step backwards, and you’re starting to notice you’re sick more often than you used to be.
Read MoreLooking to make a difference in your training or competition prep that will REALLY make a difference? Why should you, what will it do, and when should you? All of that answered here.
Read MoreLiving with pain and just getting by day to day is lowering your quality of life. The long-term implications of taking medications and playing while injured just aren't worth it. You may want to consider how your pain today is affecting your enjoyment of tomorrow.
Read More"The “good stuff” (building muscle) happens during rest and recovery, and the “bad stuff” (muscle damage) happens during exercise. Remember: Rest is an essential part of a strength-training program!"
Read More"Chiropractors may not be the first medical professional you imagine when it comes to concussion management, but many chiropractors are trained to spot the signs of a mild traumatic brain injury, and support the patient in a successful recovery."
Read More"The FMS uses a standardized process involving seven basic tests to evaluate fundamental movement patterns, with a scoring system providing the means to not only assess injury risk and discover pain, but also to rate and rank movement patterns such as weaknesses, imbalances, asymmetries and limitations. The Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) takes evaluation of functional movement patterns one step further."
Read More“Any paraprofessional can offer physical therapy–style treatments like stim and manipulation, but only the DC offers spinal adjustment. And adjustments have been clinically demonstrated to offer performance improvement and pain reduction.”
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